During the winter, the world slows down. As the snow brackets the earth and the surroundings become more quiet, it’s easy for most to retreat into themselves and wish for warmer weather. During the colder months I retreat to a forest sanctuary where snow blankets the floor, evergreens surround me, and red berries stick out among the scenery surrounding me.

I’ve visited this scene before when creating a jewelry collection. When I created the first Into the Woods collection back in 2019, I was so inspired by the beauty that the winter holds. And each year I do revisit the winter scene in my head. So after finding beauty in the season, this year I decided to revisit the inspiration just a bit to create a few additional designs with this theme. I’m dubbing this another mini jewelry collection, with a few accent necklaces and a pair of earrings that evoke the winter season.

These designs are ideal for those who love the winter season and want to celebrate it all year. These designs are also perfect for those who love an elegant accessory inspired by nature. As always, if you see a design that inspires you, snag it now in my online store before it’s gone.

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