New Year Jewelry Business Resolutions for 2018

2018 is finally here! The new year offers limitless possibilities for any business owner, and for jewelry designers, it offers a fun new color to experiment with in your designs. Pantone debuted Ultraviolet as the 2018 color of the year. This color “communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking that points us toward the future.”

What a big vision for 2018! I can’t help but connect that same message with the resolutions I have for my jewelry business in 2018. Today, I’d like to share my New Year jewelry business resolutions for Fifth Essence Jewelry with all of you. I hope that my goals can inspire you to create your own so you can have a successful 2018 for your business.

#1: More Craft Shows

In the last two years, I have attended two very different craft shows for my business, and each experience has taught me a lot about selecting the right show and making sure it runs smoothly. In 2018, my goal is to attend at least three different shows to help increase my brand exposure and gain new customers. I’ve been on the lookout for some really good ones, so I have a few fun things up my sleeves. Either way, I’m hopeful the things I’ve learned the last two years will serve me well in 2018.

#2: Better Social Media Presence

My social media is pretty lacking. I try to have a strategy and I try to be consistent, but at some point, my presence drops off. I know I’ve written many things about social media, and it’s hard for me to speak as an authority when I don't put in the work to update due to the lack of time.

Now I’m not going to promise that it’ll be amazingly better immediately, or that upon reflection next year I’ll have nothing to improve on, but my New Year jewelry business resolution is to do more consistent posting on Facebook, to try and increase my frequency on Instagram, do a few more original posts on Twitter, and pin more on Pinterest. Taking small steps and making small improvements each month; that’s how I plan to accomplish this.

#3: Grow my Inventory

If I want to do more craft shows, I’m going to need to grow my inventory. Last year I decided to design lower price point items for my shop, and those did very well for me. Not only do I plan to continue with this strategy, I’d like to do more of it. I’d love to see my autumn productivity continue to soar in the winter, spring, and summer alike.

#4: Bring back Metalsmithing

My metal supplies have been waiting for years. In 2018, I’d love to finally make some of the designs I’ve had in my head for years and just haven’t had a chance to design. I have beautiful cabochons I purchased in Tucson the last few years waiting to become pendants. It’s time I schedule some time in my studio and make these a reality. I’d love to feature more metal in my store in 2018.

#5: Clean up my Etsy Shop

Some of the first images that I took of my jewelry designs leave a lot to be desired. And every time I relist them I remind myself that I should take new photos that are more engaging and do a better job showing off the details. It’s time to invest some time in making my Etsy shop more engaging and better managed. 2017 was the year I finally listed everything (which was no small feat) so in 2018 I’d like to make sure all the listings are up to par and can start selling.

What are some of your New Year jewelry business resolutions for 2018? Share them below in the comments!


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