2020 New Year Jewelry Business Resolutions
For the last few years, I’ve chosen the same topic for the last blog of the year: one that looks back to my 2019 new year jewelry business resolutions and ranks how well I've done accomplishing what I set, and at the same time looks forward to my goals for the coming year. Without further ado, here are my new year jewelry business resolutions from 2019, and for 2020.
2019 Resolutions
Goal1: More events closer to home - Accomplished
I'm happy to say that I definitely accomplished this goal. I did more shows than even last year, and learned even more about my target audience. Using what I learned last year I went forward and did even more shows in 2019. My strategy worked since I've had more sales than any past year.
Goal 2: Introduce different lines for my jewelry designs - Accomplished
In 2019 I wanted to create collections so I could have more of an inventory on hand and to create items that work well together. I think I killed this resolution since I created nine different collections centered around different themes and inspirations. I learned a lot from each jewelry collection I created (blog) so I plan to take that forward into 2020 with my collections.
Goal 3: Diversify my Social Media presence - Moderately Accomplished
I think I will always aspire to be better with my social media presence but for 2019 I think I did a good job getting consistent posts added to my Facebook page, building out my Pinterest page, and building my Instagram presence. I can confidently say I'll continue forward with what I learned this year into the next few years.
Goal 4: Email newsletters - Accomplished
I'm so proud of the monthly newsletter that I created this year. As a marketer, I've always wanted to create something that adds value and is a softer sell. I'm so pleased at the personal connection I've created with those who subscribe to my newsletter. Each month I can write in a friendly tone and tell stories of my inspiration or other business decisions I've made.
Goal 5: Better Photography - Moderately Accomplished
I wanted to call this a fail, however, what I've realized looking back that this year I have improved my photography. I have a consistent look for each item I photograph, and while it's not professional I've come quite a long way this year to where I was last year. For what I want my photos to be I'm proud of what I have created.
2020 resolutions
Resolution 1: Creating a successful business budget
This year I learned that participating in craft shows takes money. Coupled with my bi-annual trip to Tucson, I’m going to need to be a bit more strategic with my finances. Managing those finances is something I hope to better accomplish in 2020.
Resolution 2: More replicated pieces
I love creating one of a kind items, but some of my most popular designs in 2019 were replicated multiple times. These designs incorporated gemstones beautifully into designs that were simple but elegant. Going into 2020 I'd like to continue to identify thes items and create a few more because I think it's important to have a few go tos and those that are completely unique.
Resolution 3: More Rings and Bracelets
This year I crafted several earring sets and necklaces, but not too many bracelets or rings. In fact, my bracelets (with the exception of my resin bracelets) are one of the least successful sellers. Rings are accessories I only started playing with in 2019. In 2020 I’d like to spend some time with both of these to find what works.
Resolution 4: More metalsmith designs
Of the four metal designs I created this year, three of them sold, and better yet they were the higher-priced items. For 2020 I'd like to create several more pieces and expand this type of jewelry. In addition, I’d also like to make more rings, an item I heard a lot of questions about this year. This goal will mean I’ll need to allow myself more time in the studio, but I think my time will be worth it. I can start the year with all the 2019 Inktober designs I created that I’d like to bring to life. I’m excited to see what I create.
Resolution 5: Smart shows
I realize now that I'm addicted to doing shows. There's something wonderful about interacting with people who like your work and want to learn more about it. That being said, nothing is more frustrating that an unsuccessful show. For this reason, I'll be doing many more shows in 2020, focusing on those I saw success with this year and including a few more around the holiday season.
I can't wait to see where my jewelry business will go in 2020 and how many new people I'll meet. Thank you for all the support you've shown. I'm wishing you a very Happy New Year.